Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Experts

The Equal Group work to identify and eliminate bias from the workplace, using data, technology and supported by advanced strategic consulting.

Head of Operations Kate Taiwo and Project Manager Lola Oluwatosin standing and looking at laptop
Senior Consultant Allan Reid in discussion in a meeting
Service Spotlight

Is your organisation in need of ongoing EDI Support?
Discover EDI 365

What is EDI 365 ?

EDI 365 offers dedicated specialists for organizations with limited resources or advanced EDI initiatives.
Services include EDI strategy workshops, action plan drafting, and inclusive recruitment advice.
Specialists participate in meetings, providing external perspectives and aiding in defining next steps.
Accessing ongoing EDI expertise is crucial for organizational progress, with EDI 365 offering cost-effective access to experienced professionals.
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Our People

Expert Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team

Our Team
Our services

Optimise your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion efforts

Strategic Consulting

We partner with proactive companies to provide the support and advice they need to implement sustainable Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategies, drawing on our team of experienced expert consultants.

Innovative Technology

We develop cutting edge technology to provide forward thinking companies with the tools they need to remove bias from their operational processes – with a focus on recruitment, performance management and remuneration.

Effective Training

We deliver well-researched, engaging, effective and impactful training on a wide range of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion topics also providing bespoke sessions tailored to our clients’ industries, current issues and interests.

how we work

We help organisations reap the benefits of embedding equality, diversity and inclusion

We ensure that our solutions are driven by robust data and analysis, to provide comfort that any solutions are appropriate and outcomes are measurable.

  • We match quantitative data (who is in the organisation), with qualitative data (how do people feel) to provide a holistic picture of EDI.
  • We use EDI data as a starting point to identify and address the main EDI concerns of an organisation or industry.
  • Data is at the heart of everything we do.
  • We deliver EDI data audits to obtain as much qualitative and quantitative EDI data as possible.
Branding Manager Hannah Maycock and Chief Executive Officer Mac Alonge standing looking at laptop screen

We believe in maximising the impact of equality, diversity and inclusion by collaborating with several organisations across multiple sectors.

  • Collaboration is key to our approach to embedding best practice across a number of companies simultaneously.
  • Joint working allows for the identification of sector specific issues to be addressed.
  • Data collection and reporting at a cross sector level can help to measure progress.
  • We have facilitated cross industry EDI initiatives in the construction, infrastructure, energy and utilities sectors.
Close up of Senior Consultant Rachael Owhin with Chair David Thorne in background

We consider several aspects of both protected and non-protected characteristics to assess the impact of EDI across organisations and sectors.

  • We assess the impact of multiple aspects of diversity without losing the focus on character specific issues.
  • By addressing issues intersectionally, we ensure that EDI interventions are efficient, effective and sustainable over the long-term.
  • If EDI issues are not identified and addressed intersectionally, it is then impossible to develop interventions that completely deal with these issues.
Project Manager Lola Oluwatosin sitting in discussion with team member at table

We understand that the successful implementation of EDI best practice across an organisation will need significant levels of leadership buy in.

  • Leadership coaching can create a safe space for leaders to assess and develop their equality, diversity and inclusion competence.
  • We act as a critical friend and challenge leaders in a way that encourages them to explore their personal contributions to EDI within their companies and the wider sectors they operate in.
  • We support leaders on their journey towards championing EDI and leaving a positive legacy.
Head of Operations Kate Taiwo standing engaging in light - hearted discussion with other team members

Our focus is on transforming the way that organisations assess and improve their equality, diversity and inclusion outcomes.

  • Most companies rely on 'off the shelf' EDI activities, but we customise our interventions to each companies specific circumstances.
  • Our ambition is for organisations to be noticeably different after engaging with us.
  • We seek to help organisations to truly embed EDI best practice to guide their company / industry EDI outcomes.
Senior Consultants Allan Reid and Rachael Owhin sitting in conversation
Energy and Utility Skills LogoGreater London Authority Logo
Case STudieS

Clients we help

The Equal Group is currently working with the Mayor of London’s Workforce Integration Network (WIN) to design and deliver the Design Labs, created to improve the recruitment and progression of young (16-24 year old) Black men into the construction and infrastructure sectors across London. Over 20 companies have now joined the initiative, who are collectively responsible for around 100,000 employees in the industry. The Equal Group is also delivering a number of EDI activities for the Greater London Authority, in conjunction with their Race Equity Action Group.

The Equal Group are working with the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership to facilitate the first ever cross-sector diversity and inclusion measurement exercise. Around 50 companies have now joined to collect and report diversity data as part of the Energy and Utility Skills Inclusion Commitment. The Equal Group will use the resulting data to design targeted interventions to address gaps in diversity across the sector.

The Rail Delivery Group play a leading role in the delivery of improvements to the rail transport network. The Equal Group carried out a comprehensive EDI Audit for the Rail Delivery Group, alongside a review of their existing recruitment practices, to provide robust strategic advice to improve EDI measures across the organisation.

Chief Executive Officer Mac Alonge and Chair David Thorne sitting at a table looking at laptop screen
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We help clients solve complex Equality, Diversity and Inclusion problems...

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