
What does equity look like in the construction, energy and transport sectors?


👷🏻 This resource provides a brief summary of our #WomenAtWork webinar discussing what equity looks like in the construction, energy and transport sectors.

🚫  Explains what some of the barriers faced by women in these industries are.

💬  Shares initial steps you can take to start conversations.


What does equity look like in the construction, energy and transport sectors?

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#WomenAtWork webinar worksheet provides information on some of the barriers faced by women and initial steps you can take within your organisation to start and encourage conversations around equity in the construction, energy and transport sectors.

🦺 This resource provides a brief summary of our #WomenAtWork webinar discussing what equity looks like in the construction, energy and transport sectors.
👷🏻‍♀️ Find out; what are some of the barriers faced by women in these industries?
🗣️ Learn initial steps you can take to start conversations

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