EDI Audit Case Study

The Service

Our EDI Audit helps you assess your current position, existing data and identify gaps in knowledge. Our skilled consultants are experienced in collecting data and well-versed in data protection and participant privacy. We will intersectionally analyse the data collected through the lenses of all protected characteristics as well as from a social equity perspective. Together we will work to co-create a targeted EDI action plan best suited to you and your organisation based on the evidence collection from our audit and our associated recommendations. Undertaking an audit on a regular basis will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your current and recommended EDI initiatives; your progress; and identify areas for improvement.

Ofgem is the UK's energy regulator. The Equal Group undertook an independent external audit of Ofgem’s EDI strategy, activities and behaviours.

Our Work

We collected and analysed EDI data from across the organisation to inform our recommendations, proposing an updated and clear EDI Strategy. We created accountability at leadership level for the implementation of the EDI strategy, by assigning measurable objectives for each individual director.

The Equal Group proposed a framework for the establishment of employee resource groups (Ofgem EDI Networks), focused on protected characteristics, for example, a group for Women, a group for members of the LGBTQ community, and a group for Disabled colleagues. Our framework created two-way strategic communications between each group and leadership.

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